miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012


We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.
Sometimes, we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience. We can do this with expressions such as: in the last week, in the last year, this week, this month, so far, up to now, etc. 
  • have seen that movie twenty times.
  • I think I have met him once before.
  • There have been many earthquakes in California.
  • People have traveled to the Moon.
  • People have not traveled to Mars.
  • Have you read the book yet?
  • Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
  • A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
  • B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.
NOTICE"Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the year before now, and it is considered a specific time which requiresSimple Past. "In the last year" means from 365 days ago until now. It is not considered a specific time, so it requires Present Perfect.
  • went to Mexico last year.
  • I went to Mexico in the calendar year before this one.
  • have been to Mexico in the last year.
  • I have been to Mexico at least once at some point between 365 days ago and now.












domingo, 24 de junio de 2012



A Navy hazing case that led to the firing of the top enlisted officer aboard a nuclear submarine was sparked by gay jokes about a sailor who said another man tried to rape him while in a foreign port, according to an investigative report obtained by The Associated Press.

1. The man that was fired was:
a) A journalist of The Associated Press.
b) a man in a foreign port.
c) a sailor who suffered of gay jokes.
d) the top enlisted officer aboard a nuclear submarine.

Recent crashes involving the U.S. military's latest transport aircraft are fueling an uproar in Japan that could threaten plans to deploy them to the southern island of Okinawa by the end of the year.

2. What is happening in Japan:
a) People are happy with the U.S. military's latest transport aicraft.
b) People are not happy with the U.S. military's latest transport aircraft.
c) Okinawa is going to belong to the U.S. 
d) Okinawa is not going to belong to the U.S.

All five airmen aboard an Air Force CV-22 Osprey were hospitalized after the tilt-rotor aircraft with a checkered safety record crashed in the Florida Panhandle, but none of the injuries were life-threatening, their commanding officer said Thursday.

3. What is wrong?
a) Five people have died.
b) Five people have been hospitalized by life-threatening injuries.
c) Five people have been hospitalized.
d) None of the airmen were injured.

The U.S. Navy says an aircraft carrier group recovered about 10 tons of marijuana dumped from small boats in the Pacific Ocean near California's border with Mexico.

4. What happened?
a) 10 tons of marijuana were dumped from small boats in the Pacific Ocean.
b) The U.S. Navy dumped 10 tons of marijuana in the Pacific Ocean.
c) Mexico dumped 10 tns of marijuana in the Pacific Ocean.
d) None of the above are correct.

Similarities in a caller's voice and phrasings have led the Coast Guard to believe there could be a link between a hoax distress call reporting a yacht explosion off New Jersey and a mayday call in Texas last month, an official said Wednesday.

5. Which one is true?
a) There was an explosion.
b) It was a joke.
c) the Coast Guard reported a explosion.
d) An official made a joke.








jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

Phonetics and negative sentences




Vowels (Phonetics)

æ / ɑː / ʌ                                  ɪ / iː                                         ʊ / uː             

cat /kæt/                                  sit /sɪt/                                      wool /wʊl/
car /kɑːr/                                 seat /st/                                   boom /bm/
cut /kʌt/

e / ə                                        ɜː                                             ɔː / ɒ               

wet  /wet/                                girl ɜːrl /                                  war /wɔːr /
runner / ˈrʌnər /                                                                         what /wɒt/

Diphthongs (Phonetics)

aɪ / eɪ / ɔɪ                               ɪə / eə / ʊə                              aʊ / əʊ           

bite /bt/                                beer /bɪə(r)/                               house /hs/
bait /bt/                                bear /b(r)/                              home /həʊm/
boy /bɔɪ/                                 poor /pʊə(r)/

Semiconsonants (Phonetics)

w                                            j                    

wet /wet/                                yet /jet/

Consonants (Phonetics)

voiceless / voiced
  • Labial:                                         p   pip /pɪp/    -   b   bib /bɪb
  • Dental:                                         t   ten /ten/     -   d   den /den/ 
  • Guttural:                                       k  kit /kɪt/      -   ɡ   git /ɡɪt/
  • Labiodental:                                 f   fish /fɪʃ/      -   v   vase /veɪs/
  • Interdental:                                   θ  thigh /θaɪ/   -  ð   this /ðɪs/
  • Glottal:                                         h  hen /hen/ 

the marvelous "S"

s saw /sɔː/ - z zoo /zuː/ 

ʃ shoe /ʃuː/ - ʒ television / ˈteləvɪʒən /

the affricate (obstruction and friction)

tʃ   church /ɜːr/   -   dʒ   judge 1 /ʌ/

nasals (from your nose)

m   man  /mæn/   -   n   nun /nʌn/   -   ŋ  sing /sɪŋ/

liquids (not to drink)

l    lid /lɪd/  -   r    rid /rɪd/


The cold old house 

I once knew a house,
A cold, old house,
A cold, old house by the sea.
If I were a mouse,
In a cold, old house,
What a cold, old mouse I would be!

I joined the navy 

I joined the navy,
To see the sea.
And what did I see?
I saw the sea.

The wild rover 

I've been a wild rover for many a year,
And I've spent all my money on whisky and beer,
But now I'm returning with gold in great store,
Now I never will play the wild rover no more

And it's no, nay, never,
No nay never, no more,
Will I play the wild rover?
No, never, no more.



viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Simple Sentences


Personal Pronouns (Subject)



  • TO BE


  • TO HAVE 


  • TO DO






Primary colours are red, yellow and blue. If you want to get the secondary colours, you have to mix the primary ones. We have green when we mix yellow and blue; we have orange from red and yellow; and, finally, we have purple with red and blue.
The absence of colour is black and, on the contrary, white is the combination of all the colours. However, it is impossible to get white colour to paint mixing all the colours.
If we have a white crayon, we can mix it with red and we obtain pink.
Brown, is a curious color. It is possible to obtain a large variety of "browns" by mixing different reds, yellows, greens...

1- How many colours do we mention in the text? Is there any other colour in this page that we haven't mentioned?
2- How do we get the secondary colours? Can you explain one?
3- Nowadays, can we buy any colour to paint or do we have to mix some to obtain the colour we want?
4- What is your favourite colour and why? How do we obtain it?


Now, you are going to fill in the gaps in a text.
Imagine you are writing a brief presentation about yourself to a person you want to know.

Presentation (fill in the gaps)

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012



English alphabet (pronunciation)


Numbers in English 
  • from 0 to 20
  • from 21 to 40

Months of the year 


Days of the week



The first letter of the first month of the year in English is "J". The first letter of the first month in Spanish is "E"; but in Latin, it was "J", too.
The first letter of the second month in English is "F". The same in Spanish and Latin. "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D". However, July was the month number 5, August was the month number 6, September was the number 7, October was the number 8, November was the number 9 and December, number 10.

1- Is the letter of the first month in English and Spanish the same?
2- How many capital letters are there in the text? Can you read them aloud? When do we use a capital letter?
3- Nowadays, is September the month number 7? Which number is it?
4- Why do you think this numbers have changed?


From the month you like most, write the 12 months in a list and its number.

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

eseblis Military English

Hello everybody,
How are you? My pseudonym is Eseblis, I am Spanish and I am a teacher. I am having this blog on trial in order to see if a blog is useful to teach and learn a foreign language. If it is helpful, it will continue indefinitely; otherwise, it would vanish into the Net. 

My first experimental subject is a friend (TBA his name and picture if he wants :p) who wants to pass a Military English exam and I am going to help him to achieve it. So, let's start with the course! 
Hope it is entertaining!!!

Best regards,